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Mountain Territory

This is A dragon's territory currently owned by no one.
28Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:31 am
Firestorm Thunder be at a mountain
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Desert Territory

A Dragon territory owned by no one.
11Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:58 pm
dawnster Claiming the territory
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Ocean Cliff Territory

A Dragon territory owned by no one.
11Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:11 pm
Stormi Claiming The Land
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Loner Space.

A Place where Dragons with no territory live. There they constantly fight for their lifes.
11Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:39 pm
Stormi Safe Maybe?
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This Where the Dragon riders live and are trained, All races live here for they all can be riders.
698Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:25 am
Eric Cross Attacking again
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Barge's Docks.

This Harbor is named after its original owner.It is used for transporting goods to different cites along rivers or oceans.
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Das Fora

This is the Elf capital, Mainly elves live here. In exception of elf riders.
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Avonia City

The Dwarf Capital, A Large red ruby shines in the middle of the mountain. The Dwarfs Protect it with their lives.
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The largest human city, The king and the Queen rule peacefully here.
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The Elf city, named after one of their heroes, Wyarn Dery. He was one of the first elfs, and he died only a few decades a go by an incurable wound.
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Des Enx

An old abandoned city, No one goes here but the bravest of the brave.People have gone in, but never have came out. They say, there are unknown creatures, hidden in the depths, or a form of magic, that kills all who enter.Be careful, if you dare to enter.
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The Dwarf city, they pride them self's on being the finest miners of all time, and they never have a shortage of diamonds.
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This is a small village, mostly humans live there.
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River Jordan

This is the river, with the most boats, they are all used for trade, minor villages crowd the coasts of it.
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